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The KM Blog
4 Reasons Why You Should Exercise At Home
As life gradually returns to a rhythm resembling normalcy after the whirlwind of the pandemic, finding the time and motivation to...
Is Overexercising Doing More Harm Than Good?
We all want to be healthy and fit, but can there be too much of a good thing? Our brains have been programmed to believe that if we’re...
Introducing The May Walking Challenge
What is The May Walking Challenge? The May Walking Challenge is a FREE 30-day challenge that challenges you to walk 10,000 steps a day...
Walking for Wellness: The Life-Changing Benefits of Walking
Walking is one of the oldest forms of exercise known to humans, and it's still just as popular today—especially in cities, where it's...
The 5 Days of Body Love
The 5 Days of Body Love is an opportunity to reconnect to your physical, mental and emotional body through movement, self-care and...
My Movement Story
Going into a fresh New Year & I thought It'd be a great time to share my movement journey and how I got into this field of work. If...
The Benefits of Finding Neutral in Pilates
If you have taken a Pilates class with me, you will have heard me ask you to lie on your back and find a neutral spine, and I probably...
How To Improve Your Mobility & Flexibility With Pilates
Every movement in Pilates is meant to help you gain flexibility, mobility, and stability in your body. Pilates is a holistic practice...
A Week of Workouts With KM
I often get asked what a week of workouts looks like for me, so I will share a typical week of workouts for me in this blog post. For me,...
The Importance of Rituals
Fall is officially here- with a new season comes many new opportunities, and it is a great time to prioritize self-care and set up a new...
Consistency Is The Key to Results
I've been thinking a lot about the theme of consistency recently because it should be no surprise that consistency is the driver of...
Pilates 101:Everything You Need to Know
The method of Pilates has grown exponentially in popularity over the past couple of years, and for a good reason. Of course, as a...
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